Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Squishy Seventeen

I'm not a teenage girl anymore. There. I've said it. And even though it's true, I'm not seventeen, I still find myself reliving high school drama when I watch Lindsay Lohan take on The Plastics in Mean Girls. I wasn't a Plastic. The truth is, I hardly qualified for any particular group, as I recall. I can remember the feelings of loneliness, anger, frustration, shame, embarrassment, jealousy and crush (is that a verb?). Fast forward more than ten years later, and those emotions take on a different persona. Reliving them from a seventeen-year-old perspective is confusing and ... squishy. I find myself identifying with the parents, even though they only appear in a couple scenes. What would I do as a parent? Now, that's something that never crossed my mind as a teenager.

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